Category: Budget

Meal Planning With The Cash Envelope System

meal planning with the cash envelope system, meal planning tips, meal planning with cash, cash envelope tips

Did you know one of the quickest ways to get your budget on track is to switch the cash envelope system? It’s true!  With a credit card or even a debit card, it’s easy to go over your budget a few dollars here and a few dollars there.  And before you know it, you’ve blown your budget for the month out of the water.

However, you can’t go over with cash.  Once your cash is gone there is no spending any more (let’s pretend our debit cards and credit cards are left at home, shall we?).

So if you find yourself overspending little by little, then switch to the cash envelope system.  If you follow me on Instagram then you may have caught my IG Story at the beginning of the month about how we’re switching back to cash for our groceries (you can find it in my highlights section).

A question I received about using cash for groceries is how to effectively meal plan – because cash is so black and white, so how do ensure you don’t go over each month or buy enough to feed your family.  Well in today’s Q&A video I’m answering how meal planning with the cash envelope system is super easy.

You can watch the video online or down below:

Basically, you have to be prepared before ever leaving the house.  You need to do a few things each week to make sure you’re on track to afford everything you need for the house and for your meals.

  • Keep a running grocery list in plain sight.  We have ours on our kitchen counter.  When you run out of something – food, cleaning, hygiene, whatever, write it on the list. If it’s not on the list then it won’t get bought – that’s my motto.
  • Take stock of what you need.  Go through the house and make sure you have enough shampoo, diapers, cleaning product, detergents, snack foods, canned goods, etc. to last until your next shopping trip.
  • Inventory what meal items you already have on hand, this will help you create a cost effective meal plan because you can use what you already have.
  • Meal plan for the next two weeks (if you shop every week then just meal plan for one week at a time).  You can use this simple meal plan to help you keep track of meals and items you need for each meal.TIP: Make sure your meals are easy.  Don’t try to use complicated recipes or ones with lots of different ingredients.  A huge money waster can be when you have to buy expensive spices or ingredients for one dish.  That can really eat up your grocery budget.  So try sticking to basic recipes (not boring!).
  • Create a list of everything you need for breakfasts, lunches and dinners for the next meal plan.
  • Go through what you already have on hand and mark it off your list you created above.
  • Now add the remaining items to your grocery list.  I prefer to re-write my grocery list in order of the store’s layout.  I’ve found that it helps keep our grocery bill low because I’m not backtracking and getting distracted.
  • Finally it’s time to go to the grocery store!  Start with any necessary items, like diapers, medicines, etc. and add those to your cart first.  After all the necessities are in the cart then you can start with your meal plan items and other snack foods.
  • Keep your calculator on your phone open (or use a ticker counter like I talked about in the video) and add up every item in the cart.  I recommend rounding up to the nearest dollar on each item, i.e. it’s $4.29 so I will enter it as $5 on the calculator.  Rounding up will help buffer for any taxes and if you accidentally forget to enter a price.

Remember if you get to the checkout and you’ve gone over your budget, that’s okay.  Don’t be afraid to put things back or ask the cashier to remove something for your total.  It’s just an easy click of a button to void an item. If you’re new to the cash envelope system – check out this post.

How To Save Money Before Work Each Morning

how to save money, ways to save money, save money before work, make money, meredith rines, merelynne

Saving money is a huge focus for me, if you couldn’t tell by now.  I love sharing videos and posts all about making the most of your money.  So it comes as no surprise that I incorporate ways to save throughout the whole day.  For me, it starts the second I wake up.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of a Starbucks treat every now and then just like the next rushed toddler mom.  But I try to make those visits more of a treat then an annual event.

Here are some great ways on how to save money before work each morning:

Brew Your Own Coffee

Skip the morning run to Starbucks and brew your own.  You can go fancy with a Keurig or keep it simple with a Mr. Coffee.  Find a flavor you like and start making it at home each morning. I love having my timer set to automatically brew while I’m getting ready and then I just grab my cup as I run out the door most mornings.

Make Your Own Breakfast

You may not be a big morning breakfast fan, but chances are it’s hard to last all the way until lunch without eating something.  A lot of us find ourselves driving through the fast food lane before dropping our kids off to school.  We don’t have time to make a gourmet breakfast before school starts so we’re just making do.  There a lot of great egg recipes you can make on the weekends and then freeze for the next few weeks.  I love this crustless quiche that was healthy and tasty.

However, if you have picky eaters then maybe you need to opt for a simple freezer waffle recipe.  You can quickly grab them out of the freezer, pop them in the toaster or toaster oven and voila, breakfast is ready.

Pack Your Lunch

Along the same lines of making your breakfast, packing a lunch is a huge money saver.  You can opt for leftovers from the night before to help keep food waste down or you can make a big bowl of chicken salad to eat on for a few days.  Here’s a great avocado chicken salad that we eat all the time – it’s perfect on bread, a wrap or just with fork!

Start Dinner

If you start utilizing your slow cooker more in the mornings then dinnertime will be a breeze.  Throw a simple chicken dish in, taco meat or a cheesy ranch dish before walking out the door.  By the time you get home dinner will be ready and if you use these slow cooker liners then clean up is a breeze.  I found that if I make dinner easier then we’re more likely to eat at home and stop grabbing take out on the way home.

Review Your To Do List

Make sure to spend a few minutes looking over your to do list for the day.  This will help you to keep straight if you have a lunch meeting and don’t need to pack your lunch or if you have an event to go to that day.  The worst is packing your lunch, starting dinner and then realizing half-way through day your day is filled with meetings.  One being a luncheon you’re attending and another one being a dinner.  That means your lunch is probably waster and dinner will have to be saved for another night.

Favorite Home Hacks To Save Money

home hacks, home hacks to save money, favorite home hacks, life hacks, money saving hacks, meredithrines, merelynne

Did you know a simple mindset shift could be all you need to start saving more money? It’s true.  There are so many ways you might be wasting money at home and you don’t even realize it.  There are a few things you can do that can make a big difference at the bank, plus be better for your family.  In today’s post, I’m sharing some of my favorite home hacks to save money.

Set Your Air Cooler

Do you have a programmable thermostat? If you do then this tip is perfect for you.  Take a few minutes to set your thermostat to adjust the temperature when you’re not home or in bed.  For instance, during the day when you’re out at work have the temperature either drop (for cooler months) or go up (for warmer months). Now you’ll be paying less to cool or heat an empty house.  You can also set the program to do this at night, too.

To make it easier and less of a headache, make sure the temperature readjusts back to normal about an hour before you get home or wake up. That way you won’t notice the change.

I love the Nest Thermostat for this because you can even control it from your phone.  That way if you’re getting home a little earlier or later than usual you can keep your temperature in the right zone.

Unplug Appliances You Don’t Use Daily

Do you leave your toaster plugged in all the time, but hardly use it? Unplug that sucker! Even if the appliance isn’t turned on, it’s still drawing energy from the outlet.  Go through your house and unplug any appliance you don’t use on a daily or weekly basis and that it’s not a huge hassle to plug in when you do need it.  If you something sitting on a counter that you can easily get to, then unplug it. However, if you have to move a very heavy cabinet to unplug your lamp in the family room then don’t worry about it.

Split Your Sam’s Club Membership

Do you have a Sam’s Club membership, but hardly ever go?  It could be because you’re afraid of where to put all this stuff after you buy it.  Especially if you have a smaller family.  For us, our family of three loves to buy in bulk but we don’t go through our nonperishable items that fast.   Talk to a friend, family member or someone to see about splitting some of those bulk items with.  Maybe your family of three doesn’t need a massive case of Q-Tips, so see about splitting that with your sister and her family.

If you love to buy in bulk check out my post with some great money saving tips.

Hang Dry Your Clothes

If you have space in your house or maybe a place to hang a line outside then start hang drying most of your clothes.  We do this a lot to keep our clothes looking nicer longer.  I actually talked about it in our Laundry Hack video.  You will save a bundle by having less clothes run through your dryer.  What is put in the dryer will dry faster, which means less run time.

Here’s a drying rack similar to the one we have. It sits in our guest room most of the time, but we can easily fold it when we have family staying.

Money Saving Apps

Make sure you use money saving apps on your grocery items.  I’m a huge fan of Ibotta and the Walmart Savings Catcher app. You can base the brands you buy off of what’s listed on your app before you go shopping, which can sometimes sway which brand to buy – you might be able to get the name brand cheaper after using Ibotta.  Or you can do your shopping like normal and then see if anything you bought is on the app. I prefer to scan our receipts before ever leaving the parking lot, but that doesn’t happen every time – thanks to a toddler I know.

If you do any shopping online, make sure you have Ebates.  It’s by far my favorite for doing any shopping.

Ask For Trial Periods on Your Satellite

If you still have satellite and have broken it down to a basic package then there might still be a chance for a free upgrade.  We recently gave up our satellite, but before we did we always had the movie channels for free.  All you have to do is call and asking if there is a promotion to try out a certain channel lineup.  Usually there is.  Sign up for the free trial period – typically 30 to 90 days.  Then make a note in your calendar to call and cancel before the trial ends.

Check Your Door Seals

Make sure the cracks around your doors are sealed properly, especially if you have dogs.  They tend to destroy a lot of door seals at the back door when they’re trying to get back in.  A quick way to do this is to close your door and stand a few feet back.  Can you see any daylight coming through the edges? If so, then you need to change out your weather stripping.   You can buy adhesive seals at your local store or online, like this one, and just apply to the missing area.  This will help keep cold air in and hot air out during those warmer months (and vice versa during winter).

Opt For Safer Cleaning Products

When our son was born I was a big fan of using natural cleaning products like vinegar and baking soda to do most of our household cleaning. Not only was it safer for him to be around, but it was lot cheaper too.  So next time you need to freshen your carpets reach for a box of baking soda instead of your scented carpet refresher from the store.  We actually have a dog that was super allergic to the store bought ones – her eyes would water and swell a bit.  But the baking soda has no effect on her at all.

Organization Tips: How To Save Money By Being Organized

How To Save Money By Being Organized, save money, organization tips, money saving apps, meredith rines, merelynne

Here’s some quick tips on how to save money by being organized….

Do you know about how much time you stress, worry or panic when you can find something or can’t remember something you knew was important? It’s probably a lot more than you realize.  We have a lot going on in our lives – kids to take care of, a house to manage, a job to go to and be productive at, groceries to buy, errands to run and relationships to nurture.

There isn’t a lot of time in our days to stop and just think.  So we need our lives to be organized.  Having organization can save us time, money and our sanity when it comes to being a busy mom.  Here’s some of the best ways to save money by being organized.

Phone Apps

I love having an organized phone.  It’s my favorite.  I recently walked through some of my favorite apps, but there’s more to it then just the apps.

You need to have your phone organized.  You should where each app is with just your muscle memory and not have to look through or flip though app after app trying to find the one you need.  Have folders on your home screen to keep everything organized. Here’s some great ideas for some folders that I use: coupons, home management, bill pay, social media, business, productivity, photography.

So now each app has a folder on your phone it belongs to, which means you won’t be wasting time trying to find something.

Budget Your Money

It’s no surprise that a budget strategist is going to suggest having a budget.  You shouldn’t be shocked!  I love budgets.  I really and truly believe having a plan for your money is the best thing you can do.  It gives your finances a purpose that is bigger than the moment.  You can plan better, predict the future by knowing your spending patterns and be better prepared for the unexpected.  We’ve been budgeting our money since we got married, which is how we have been able to pay off over $40,000 in debt in under three years.

Here’s an updated version our budget template that we’ve been using.  It’s great because we can see the whole month at a glance, keep track of our spending easier and know how we’re doing.

Save On Monthly Bills

Being organized will give you the ability to pay your bills easier.  You’ll avoid late fees and penalties by making sure everything gets sent in on time.  You can go through and setup your bills on auto-pay to avoid having to purchase checks and postage to mail in your payment.

Buying In Bulk

Buying some of your most-used grocery items in bulk can save a lot of money each year.  However, to be successful at buying in bulk you need to be able to track your purchases.  You should know how long a case of toilet paper lasts your family (on average).  That way you are only buying what you need, when you need it and without wasting money or precious space in your closets.

You can keep a spreadsheet on your computer to input what you buy and the dates you buy it.  Then you’ll be able to start seeing a trend to help you better predict when to order more.

Knowing Where Everything Is

How many times do you hear, “Mom, where’s my shoes?” Probably more than you should, right? By having a system for all the junk in your house then you’ll stop wasting your time looking for something and your family will be able to start learning where to look first.

Make a list of your closets, cabinets and drawers in your house.  Then for each area make a note of what should go into them – for instance, our hall linen closet also houses our extra Christmas and birthday presents.  That’s their spot, so it makes it easy when I buy a gift that’s on sale for in the future – it goes there.  It doesn’t go in a random closet or on the kitchen counter, it goes in that closet.

Go through your drawers, closets and cabinets to come up with a plan. Then take an afternoon to implement it.  Make sure you build in time to actually clean out your closets and cabinets.  Don’t just move stuff around that you never plan on using again.

Meal Plan

I’ve mentioned this a thousand times before.  But meal planning really can save you a lot of money.  Especially when you meal plan what you already have on hand.  So you’re not having to buy ingredients you already have and can easily use.

Turn Clutter In Cash

When you’re going through your closets and cabinets make sure to pull out anything that can be sold.  You can easily sell unused items on Facebook and Craigslist.  Not only will you make extra money, but you will remove the clutter from your house permanently.

You’ll Be More Productive

When you’re life is organized you’ll be more productive.  You’ll be able to focus your time easier with less distractions. You’ll know where everything is, you won’t be bothered by the overflowing junk drawer your husband just opened (because it will be gone!), and you’ll be more efficient with each task you try to accomplish.


What Is a Slush Fund and How To Use It Successfully

slush funds, what is a slush fund, using a slush fund, budgeting help, meredith rines, merelynne

Do you use a slush fund with your monthly budget?

They can be a great reward when you’re working hard on paying down debt and saving money. A slush fund is simply an account with no real purpose.

No purpose?


Meaning it’s an account that can be used for fun moments, spontaneous days and unplanned events.  Slush funds aren’t necessarily for bills or debts or boring monthly budget expenses.  The funds are for those moments you want to grab the kids and go to the water park for a fun day.

You can watch all about What Is a Slush Fund and How To Use It Successfully online or down below:

A slush fund is created with extra money you have at the end of the month.  Since you’re supposed to be budgeting to a zero-based budget each month, you shouldn’t have a lot of money leftover.  However, when the times come where you don’t use all your grocery money or gas money then you can transfer it into a slush fund.

Again, it won’t be a lot of money and you may not have money each month.  So building a slush fund is a slow process.  You should be focused on paying down debt, but after months of being so laser focused you can get frustrated and burnt out.  That’s when it can be the perfect time to use your slush fund.  You can have a little fun while not throwing your whole money plan off track.

Now don’t confuse a slush fund for a sinking fund, which is more for larger bills that are due only once or twice a month.

If you have any questions about a slush fund, make sure to leave a comment down below.

Need more help?

For more help with your budget, check out this sinking funds spreadsheet.  It’s a great tool to help you create a system to keep track of your sinking funds to make sure no larger bills or annual expenses throw you off.

When Your Paycheck Isn’t Enough

paycheck isn't enough, you paycheck isn't enough, not enough money, how to make more money, meredith rines, merelynne

Whether you’re in between jobs, starting your own business or just getting your new MLM (multi-level marketing) venture off the ground you might be faced with a situation where your paycheck isn’t enough.

The number of women starting their own business from home or taking on a side venture of joining a MLM are growing rapidly. Us moms realize that we want to provide so much for our children and we’re willing to sacrifice sleep to make it happen.  You stay up late crunching numbers, preparing social media posts and scheduling your day down to every minute so you can get your housework taken care of, spend time with your kids and build your empire.

Here’s what I recommend for anyone wanting to venture on your own and your paycheck isn’t enough to cover your bills:

Create your budget.

When you realize your paycheck isn’t enough to cover your bills and it’s gone too fast then it’s time to create a budget.  Make sure your budget is honest and reflects all of your net income (what you take home) and your expenses.  You might have to pull bank statements and credit card statements to remember everything. I would recommend back tracking for at least 30 to 60 days.  That way you can get a more honest view of what you’re spending.

Ask for money.

If you work for someone else and put in an honest day’s work then don’t be afraid to ask for more money.  It’s inevitable to take on more when you work for someone else and are succeeding at your daily tasks. It happens all the time. You are kicking butt and taking names, then your boss comes to you and asks you to take on a new project for the office.  You accomplish it and smash your boss’ goal.  Then a co-worker gets sick, goes on maternity leave or leaves the office for good and you end up taking on some of their tasks.  Before you realize it you’re doing the work of three on the same salary as one.

Don’t be afraid to schedule a meeting with your supervisor to ask for a way to earn more money. Be prepared for your meeting – having talking points, examples of your work and know when the last time you received a raise.  And don’t be overzealous when it comes to your request – make sure what you’re asking for is reasonable for your tasks, your employer and the time you’re spending.

Be smart and plan.

Take the time to plan and save before jumping ship in your current income stream.  If you have a day job that doesn’t float your boat anymore don’t just walk in and quit one day.  Take your time and plan it out.  Make sure you start stockpiling your money in a savings account to help cover you for when you make the big move.  Make sure your monthly budget is in check so you’re only spending what’s absolutely necessary and saving the rest.

Work a little too hard for a while.

Now I am not one to suggest biting off more than you can chew, but maybe you have to do a little juggling to get your ball rolling. Perhaps you work for the first 6 months on the weekends or late at night to get your business growing. Schedule time on the weekends where you can get away from all your distractions for a few hours. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you have uninterrupted time to focus – no baby crying for you and no dishes in the sink.

My husband and little man have father-son dates for a few hours on Saturday.  They either play at home and I run up to my co-working space or they go out and run errands together.  Out little man loves spending time with his daddy and I get time to work.  On the weekends where my husband has work to do or is out of town then my parents will keep our little guy for a few hours so I can focus.

Build your following.

While you’re working on building your empire you might be soliciting your friends and family to buy from you.  Which is fine and gives you good practice on asking for the sale and dealing with rejection.  However, make sure you’re spending your time wisely.  Create content and join FB groups that give you the chance to help others.  When you come from a place of wanting to serve and not just making more money then you will see a growth happen.

Personally, I’ve joined several groups just to learn from other business owners.  When a question is asked that I know the answer to then I make sure to respond.  I never push my products or my offerings.  But I come from a place of truly wanting to help.  I’ve noticed the number of visits to my sites, my subscribers and my sales have increased just from simply putting my name out there as an expert.

Make sure to spend your time wisely. If you’re going to be on social media anyway then spend that time posting good quality pictures, responding to comments and liking other people’s content.

How Organize Your Life Like A #MOMBOSS

how to be a mom boss, #momboss, mompreneur, business owner, meredith rines, merelynne

Do you need a little extra help getting everything done during your day?  Perhaps you’re a work from home Mom or a full-time employe and you or struggling to stay on top of it all.

I’ve been there.

I am a business owner, an employee in my family’s financial planning firm, a mom to an almost two year old, a wife and have a lot of other hats I wear.  So from time to time it can be hard to get all my work done in the little bit of time I have to do it in.

As a working mom and a business owner it’s important to be organized so that you can be the best #MOMBOSS possible. In today’s video I’m sharing some of my favorite tools that help me get more done in less time.

You can watch the #MOMBOSS video online or down below:

I am a huge fan of Google and think it can really be utilized to help you.  You can use it for you calendar and color code different parts of your life to make everything smoother.  You can also use time blocking, which helps you stay focused.

I also love having a paper planner, like The Happy Planner that helps you create prioritized to do lists.

Have you heard of Trello before? As a#MOMBOSS you should really check it out.  It helps you create workflows to create new content and new offerings, take care of client work and create deadlines to keep you on track.

Read more:

How to Track your Sinking Funds like a #MomBoss

Google Sheets as your check register

How to block your time

Your mom notebook

Apps that save us money and time

Need more help with your sinking funds?

I created an easy to use sinking funds spreadsheet to help you track all of your different sinking funds on one sheet.  This spreadsheet can be used month-after-month, for the entire year.  Long gone are the days of having to transfer numbers and lists from month-to-month.  You can learn more about it over in the shop.



Laundry Money Saving Tips and Hacks

money saving laundry tips, laundry tips, meredith rines, merelynne, budget help


Here’s the deal, Momma – I hate laundry.  I despise it.  I get all caught up on Monday and by Tuesday I have enough to do a full load again – and there’s only THREE of us.

When I was a little girl my job was helping my mom fold our clean clothes.  I would pretend I worked at a fancy boutique and would fold clothes for customers (I know, weird!), but now that I’m older folding clothes is the last thing I want to do.

But as a mom and a wife I only had two options when it comes to laundry – I could either avoid it at all costs, but that would mean my husband would have to take care of it.  And he likes to dry some of my nicer blouses too often.  OR I would have to become more efficient at it so it didn’t consume my entire weekend.

I went with the second option.  Thank goodness!  So in today’s video I’m sharing my go-to hacks to save money on our laundry, our clothes and save space since our laundry room is in the middle of our kitchen.

You can watch my laundry money saving tips online or down below:

For more money saving laundry tips check out:

My favorite laundry detergent and fabric softener.

How to make your own dryer ball to save money.

Here’s the magnetic ironing mat that we use since our room is tiny and we don’t have a room for a huge ironing board. I bought mine back in college, I actually went back and looked at my Amazon order history … I purchased it July 2014… almost 4 years ago and it’s still just like new.

Five Ways We All Waste Money

five ways we all waste money, waste money, how to save more money, debt, meredithrines, merelynne

We’re all guilty of wasting money from time to time. It happens. However, most of us aren’t even realizing all the times in a week we’re wastefully spending. Now, remember what this post is trying to do is to help you realize a few ways you could be wasting your money. Just because you think you’re living frugally, doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement.  Most of these money wasters are habits from being tired, overworked and stressed.  So when go through these tips, try to think of ways to apply them to your life and how they might work for you.

Let’s break down the Five Ways We All Waste Money:

Coffee Runs. You might find yourself in the drive-thru line at Starbucks a little too often these days. Especially this time of year can be hectic with work schedules, school commitments, activities, and so much more.  Even if you’re justifying your coffee or drink habit because you’re using change to pay or building reward points or whatever, you might need to adjust how often you’re hitting up your local favorite.

You may even find that you’re not frequenting your favorite coffee shop or smoothie place during the week, but on the weekends you are. Usually the weekends are kind of like a special treat. Most work days you’re rushing around to get the kids dropped off and get to work on time, so you don’t actually have time to treat yourself.  However, the weekends are a whole new game.

For me, this isn’t waste isn’t specifically coffee.  I love myself a good fountain diet mountain dew from the local gas station. It’s delicious!

Fast Food.  You might find fast food as a comfort on those days you just didn’t have time to pack your lunch or those nights where you just can’t fathom cooking dinner.  It’s okay, we’ve all been there.  But we need to plan a little bit better and buy some easy to prepare meals to help us in those times.

I am so guilty, guilty, guilty of using fast food as a crutch. I have a serious love of fast food – I know how unhealthy it is, trust me, I’ve done the research.  But it’s just so darn convenient. On nights I just don’t feel like cooking but don’t want to spend a fortune fast food is usually our go-to.  I also have been known to use the drive-thru as the perfect solution to my ‘forgot to pack a lunch’ problem.

I created a no eating out challenge to help us combat those days where we use fast food as an excuse not to stick to our meal plan.

Extra Channels. Have you taken a few minutes to look over your cable package? You should. It can be very eye opening. There a lot of options and package choices that you might not be aware of.  Make sure you’re not paying for something you don’t need or won’t use.  Plus, you may be able to dwindle down your monthly bill by limiting the number of TVs that have access to satellite.

Not too long ago we canceled our cable and satellite and never looked back.

Leftovers. Are you guilty of wasting food each week? So many families end up throwing away majority of their leftovers week after week.  So make sure you’re not wasting your money by throwing away last night’s dinner.  A great tip is to dedicate a leftover night in your weekly meal plan. You could also freeze any leftovers for another night if it’s just too much to eat during the week.

Buying Snacks at the gas station. This one might not seem like a big waste, but trust me it is.  There are often times when you’re traveling you find yourself snacking from the gas station.  You stop to go to the bathroom or fill up with gas and you find the urge to buy a bag of chips or bottle of soda.  It’s just so expensive! Make sure you’re planning for your road trips or long drives with packing your own snacks.

BONUS TIP Not price comparing before going grocery shopping. Make sure before you head out the door to go grocery shopping that you’ve done your research. For the most part if you shop at one or two stores you start to learn which ones you should buy what at.  For instance, avocados are almost ALWAYS cheaper at Aldi then they are at any other grocery store in our town – I just know that.  So I only buy them from there.  However, that doesn’t mean I don’t quickly glance the local ads in the paper.

You should either have a price notebook of your most bought items or do research before leaving. If you’re stopping at multiple stores to get everything, then it makes sense to make sure you’re getting the best deal.

What you should implement today to stop wasting money:

I love tracking our spending to make sure we’re not wasting money. I have discovered I tend to spend a lot less if I force myself to track our spending in our monthly budget, which helps us know how much we have left to spend or if I’m simply writing it down on the back of an envelope. It really is an eyeopener to see where our money is going and what purchases maybe we just don’t need.

What are some ways you’re wasting your money?  Once you stop to think about it then it really does become an eye opener.

If you need more help in tracking your spending then I highly suggest using a sinking funds spreadsheet – it will give you the freedom to save your extra money for expenses coming up in the future. That way you won’t be stressed when you need new tires for your car or when your home owner’s insurance bill comes in the mail.  You’ll be able to plan for all those larger expenses that happen later down the road.  Plus, it will give your money a purpose, which means you won’t feel the urge to spend or waste money.

How To Increase Your Income Right Now

how to increase your income right now, increase your income, make more money, meredith rines, merelynne

If you’re looking for ways to increase your income then you’ve come to the right place. Think about it…

What would you be able to do if you had a little more money at the end of each month?

Now, you don’t even need to clock in overtime hours at the office. Buckle up, let’s get into today’s tips:

Ask for a raise. If you’re like me, Momma then you do a lot for your work.  Sometimes it may even go unnoticed when you get there a little early or stay a little late to make sure your job gets done. There is no shame in asking for a raise, especially if it’s deserved. So come up with a few talking points and schedule a meeting with your manager.

Stop eating out. This one is a huge negative we’re guilty of.  I even created a no eating out challenge to help us keep more money in our bank each month. Just think about how much money you’re spending by going through the drive-thru or grabbing dinner on the way home.

Earn money just for shopping.  I love money saving apps like Ibotta and the Walmart Savings Catcher.  They are great ways to earn a few dollars each time you head to the grocery store. I even love using Ebates (referral link) for all of our online shopping.

Sell your old junk online. You can sell clothes, home goods, furniture and so much stuff that you don’t use anymore online.  There are plenty of options like Facebook Swap Shops, Craigslist, Ebay, Poshmark, and more.

Monetize your blog. This one is something I’m still learning, but I’ve already made some money from monetizing posts. Whenever I recommend something or an item to you, I can use an Amazon affiliate link (or Walmart, or any store really) and then when someone buys from that link I get credit for it.  It doesn’t increase the price for the buyer and I get a benefit for recommending the item.

Lose weight. Have you heard of (referral link) before? It’s a great website for people to come together to hit their weight loss goals. I’ve entered quite a few and have turned my initial $35 investment into over $100.

Sell your skills..  If you have any skills as an editor, proofreader, transcriptionist, designer, or anything then offer them to others. You can sell your services on sites like Fiverr or Upwork.  In college I did quite a bit of work on Upwork selling design skills and article writing.